Because those days were bored aside from homework and the weather was not good, I have seen a lot of movies recently. Which the movie I have seem is “Slumdog Millionaire,”“Departures,””Marley and Me,””The Reader,””27 dresses,””Music and Lyrics,””Any Given Sunday,” and “Les’ Miserable.” Some were borrowed from the library, some were in the English movie class, and others were on the internet. Those movies which I liked very much were ‘Slumdog Millionaire” and “The Reader.” Both of them were long stories. The former touched my heart that I felt there were still cruel and miserable to society. There had still poverty and the dreadful conditions somewhere. The boy in the movie why he could get an amount of money is he just came through those experiences through his whole life in those answers of being asked questions. In addition, he had been intrigued by a girl when he was young. His intention to attend the show just wanted the girl could watch him on TV. Lastly, with the help of his elder brother, they could get together in the end.
The other movie “The Reader” is an unusual love. A young boy about 15 had a relationship with a woman about 36. They lasted together the duration of the summer. The boy usually read stories to the woman when they were together. One day, the woman vanished without excuses. The boy was confused and heartbroken. After the years, both of them met at the court in which the boy sat there as an intern lawyer while the woman was a defendant related to German guard crimes against Jewish prisoners. When the years past, the boy recorded some of previous stories sent to the woman in prison. Which part of the movie I liked was that the woman confessed she wrote the fatal report. Because she was not able to write, she abased herself and couldn’t want anyone to disclose her weakness. She denied writing words down to compare characters, so she was sent to jail. In prison, she listened to those tapes and began to learn words; furthermore, she tried to write a letter to the boy. However, she chose to end her life in prison after the boy finally came to see her and was going to pick her out of jail. Although the movie was a tragedy, still it was perfect ending to me.