Hey, come here.
I want you to listen very carefully to what I'm gonna tell you.
We both know, I ordered a Pepsi cola.
And now you've insulted me and my entire family by offering me this, this whatever it is.
Being a civilized person, I'd like to make amends.
Capeesh? (means DO YOU UNDERSTAND?)
Thank You... grazzi(means THANK YOU)
I saw the commercial called "Godfather Girl" which my teacher show it on the screen in class in the last semester.
The Pepsi commercial describes a girl and her grandfather walk into a restaurant, but the girl's drink isn't the Pepsi she ordered, so in a Godfather voice she expresses how she feels.
At the beginning, the shopper said "cupcake" to the girl.
It means a cute adorable girl or boy. :)
The girl is adorable, especilly she holds her fist with a serious face.
Also, I look up for a dictionary for the meaning of a godfather.
The word has two differnt meanings.
One means a male godparent(教父), and the other means the leader of a criminal group, especially a mafia family.It can also mean your third parent(乾爹).
There are more detailed meanings on this website. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=godfather

I downloaded some of speeches and videos which I like from YOU TUBE.
I am grateful that I know how to store videos in that way .
Also, those which I downloded can transform videos into MP3 files.
It just takes few minutes to finish it. That is nice.
By the way,
The blog is not easy to use than other blogs. (= = ")
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